April in Paris? Let’s Go!
Let’s go to Paris!
It’s happening! I’m teaming up again with The Blue Walk and we’re going to Paris for a weeklong art vacation next spring, April 12-19, 2025. Spaces are filling up fast, and I am so excited to meet you there!
We’ll spend our week together in Paris in search of l’objet trove - the found object - at Paris’ famous flea markets, antique book markets, and wonderful boutique art supply stores in search of what inspires us. Those found objects will fill our travel art journals with memories of Paris.
If you dig a scavenger hunt, if vintage French paper and ephemera is your jam, if you dare to take reduce/reuse/recycle to the next level, then Art Walk Paris is for you.
I love partnering with The Blue Walk team, Suzy and Jeannette, on this trip. Their whole vibe is just right - small groups, “travel at the speed of you”, plus the two of them are just plain fabulous. You will totally dig them.
Join us for an unforgettable week exploring incredible art museums, shopping for just the right treasures, and taking all that inspiration and those found objects to create a gorgeous and very personal travel art journal. We’ll walk through my favorite neighborhoods in my favorite city, and take in all that Paris has to offer. Oh la la!